SEO Netlinking Service

Get high-quality backlinks through SEO netlinking to boost your search engine ranking and reach a broader audience.


What Exactly Is SEO Netlinking?

Netlinking, also known as Link Building, is one of the most important parts of an SEO strategy, which helps improve the popularity and search engine ranking of a website by increasing the number of backlinks that point to it. 

The primary goal of Netlinking SEO is to boost a website’s ranking on search engines e.g. Google. Studies show that websites with the most quality backlinks in SEO profiles will rank better on search engines. Netlinking in SEO also seeks to boost site traffic and reputation thus increasing the return on investment.

The Benefits of Netlinking SEO

Netlinking is critical for both SEO and digital marketing. A strong backlink profile is a magnet that keeps attracting new and unique web traffic. It also has a direct impact on a website’s visibility and can make a difference in search engine ranking i.e. Google, Bing and etc. A well-thought and consistent link-building campaign also provide a powerful referencing network that can position you as an authority in your industry.


Improved SEO Performance

Backlinking is also an excellent way to boost SEO performance. According to multiple studies, backlinks are the number one factor determining rank on search engine result pages. A more qualitative backlink profile has a direct impact on where you rank.


Improved Referral Traffic

Backlinks offer one of the best ways to generate referral traffic for webmasters and business owners. As long as your links appear on the niche relevant websites, it allows the users to discover maximum information and find all the resources they need in a single search session, so you can look forward to a steady flow of valuable traffic.


Become an Authority

Search engines constantly seek ways to provide the best, most accurate information to its users. The search engines also continuously seek ways to make it easier to access such information. Building a strong netlinking profile can elevate your brand to the industry leader status, boosting your authority and standing among your peers.

Thus, sites with the most inbound links are instantly highlighted as industry leaders.

No Need to Hire In-house Netlinking Team!

Hiring an in-house link builder can be frustrating and complicated, let us take the burden off your shoulders and do the quality netlinking for you!

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Full Time Employee


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Our Pricing

Basic Plan
$ 29
/ month

Basic Plan

  • 10GB Storage Space
  • 50GB Bandwidth
  • 10 Free Sub-Domains
  • 100 E-mail Accounts
  • Control Panel & FTP
Basic Plan
$ 129

Basic Plan

  • 10GB Storage Space
  • 50GB Bandwidth
  • 10 Free Sub-Domains
  • 100 E-mail Accounts
  • Control Panel & FTP
Most Popular
Basic Plan
$ 129

Basic Plan

  • 10GB Storage Space
  • 50GB Bandwidth
  • 10 Free Sub-Domains
  • 100 E-mail Accounts
  • Control Panel & FTP

Why Choose Us

MagFellow is one of the trusted SEO Netlinking agencies worldwide. We understand the intricacies of a successful link-building process and have the knowledge and experience to build a practical and effective backlinking campaign. Better still, our link-building campaigns are customized, ethical, and transparent.

SEO Netlinking Packages

We offer several SEO Netlinking packages to meet each customer’s unique needs within budget. So, talk to us to discuss your options..

You Have The Final Word

The client gets the opportunity to check through content and the links to verify that everything is precisely how they want it before the content is published. You reserve the right to reject or request revisions in the article before publishing.

Natural In-content Links

We make sure to provide naturally integrated links and ensure to check every content piece before submitting to verify that all the links are in the right place.

No PBN, No Spam

We are all about quality. We understand the consequences of black-hat techniques, such as blog networks and link wheels. We also engage professional proofreaders and editors to polish every content piece to weed out any grammatical and other errors so that the final draft is of the highest quality.

Money-back Guarantee

We are confident that you’ll be satisfied with the work we do. If for some reason your project isn’t up to par, though–whether it’s because of content issues or delivery delays in getting what was promised delivered-we’ve got a 100% money back guarantee!

Payments After publishing

We only invoice you AFTER we completed the work. And you will only ever pay for links we built, never a fixed

The 5-step Process

The MagFellow blogger outreach strategy is a five-step process from prospecting to publishing and reporting.

Tips For First-Timers

See this information for first-timers if this is your first time trying SEO netlinking. Remember that our team is always happy to talk to you, feel free to submit questions through the chat box on the right or the contact form.

Do-Follow vs. No-Follow Links

The best way to get a high ranking in search engine results is by using do-follow links. These types of linkages will help your website or blog rank higher with Google and other search engines, which means more traffic for your website!

On the other hand, no-follow links don’t have an impact on SEO. These links don’t count as a point in the page’s favor, nor do they boost PageRank.

However, this doesn’t mean that no-follow links are useless or even negative. Although they don’t count toward SEO, no-follow links are still beneficial for your online presence. For one, no-follow links still drive traffic. Additionally, no-follow links build brand awareness and can improve your domain authority. The biggest benefit of no-follow links, however, is that they normalize your link profile. They tell Google that you’re not just interested in attaining higher SERP rankings.

How to Create Effective SEO Backlinks

Not all backlinks are the same. To build a powerful netlinking profile, you must get the basics right. The following are a few rules to observe.

  • The backlink text must be meaningful. Avoid empty anchor words such as “click here.” Instead, conduct thorough keyword searches to discover convincing and empathetic anchor texts that persuade users.
  • Make sure the resource at the end of the link provides value. The idea here is to ensure that the resource answers the searcher’s queries.
  • Ensure your SEO Netlinking originates from high-ranking, high-traffic pages with good authority on search engines.
  • Ensure the hyperlink is inserted within the body of the text. Inserting links at the tail-end of the article or blog or in empty fields makes it invisible. It also diminishes link authority.

Above all, investing in high-quality links is the key to success when it comes to link building. A few good quality backlinks are much better than thousands of spammy ones, additionally, low-quality backlinks can hurt your SERP rankings.

Measuring the Quality of Your Backlinks

The quality of your links is critical to the outcome of the netlinking campaign. High-quality links guarantee the highest possible engagement rates and high rankings, while low-quality links can only get you a handful of visitors at best. Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to measure link quality.

Key Netlinking Metrics

The first step in measuring backlink quality is to assess the metrics behind the link. Three metrics are especially critical here, i.e., domain authority (DA), Trust Flow (TF), and Citation Flow (CF).
Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz. A website’s DA describes its relevant to a specific subject area or industry. DA range from 0-100, with higher values denoting a stronger DA. Any DA rated 60+ is considered excellent.
Meanwhile, Trust Flow (TF) is a ranking metric developed by Majestic SEO to evaluate the credibility and reliability of a website and its content. It also ranges from 0-100, with higher rankings denoting a higher TF.
Finally, Citation Flow is also evaluated by Majestic Flow. It’s a measure of a website or web page’s popularity on the internet, also rated from 0-100. The higher the rating, the more popular the page behind the link. The ratio of trust flow to citation flow is crucial when choosing websites and web pages to link. Another popular Netlinking metric is the Google PageRank.

Tools for Measuring Backlink Quality

After identifying the top metrics to assess for your link-building campaign, the next step is to find the right tools for the job. There are dozens of excellent tools to consider. However, the most popular options are Moz, Ahref, Majestic SEO, and SEMRush.
We always use three and several other proven tools to evaluate the strength and quality of a backlink before selecting it for a netlinking campaign.


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Take Our Word For It

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the questions most often asked about our SEO netlinking services and process. For basic information about netlinking, see this information that we’ve provided just for first-time buyers. If you need answers to questions that you don’t see covered here, please use our handy website chat to speak directly to a knowledgeable team member.

What are the Benefits of a Netlinking Campaign?

The benefits of netlinking are multifold. First and foremost, netlinking improves your SEO performance. A well-thought link profile directly impacts your search engine ranking because Google and other search engines highly value authority backlinks. Another significant benefit of backlinks is visibility. This happens in two ways. First, favorable search engine result ranking guarantees increased visibility. More people will see and interact with your web pages. Secondly, netlinking involves placing your links on popular pages within your industry. The people on those websites can click on the links to visit your website. Netlinking also guarantees a boost in referral traffic and direct traffic. Readers on websites and blogs where your links appear can click the links to visit your site. Others can also search Google to visit your site.

When Do you Need a Netlinking Campaign?

Netlinking campaigns can be beneficial at any time as long as you have an online presence. Otherwise, your site would be isolated. Netlinking opens up your site to more people in the industry. However, don’t worry, even if you’re not sure. Our professional team will analyze your digital presence to help you determine the best time to launch a netlinking campaign. We’ll also help you design the right campaign based on your objectives.

Do I Need Netlinking for all my Keywords?

No, you don’t. The point of Netlinking isn’t to link back to keywords but to link to valuable content. So, you just need to select a few strategic keywords for the backlink campaign.

How Long is a Netlinking Campaign?

There’s no one correct answer. From our experience, Netlinking campaigns typically last several months. Some may even last a few years, depending on the quality and link profile of the selected links and the various indicators, including the domain authority, trust flow, and citation flow. However, the exact duration is entirely up to you.

Do you work in the online gambling sector?

Online gaming is one of our strongholds and has a proven track record. We’ve already served numerous key players in the online gaming niche in many markets including, the UK, FR, DE, PT, ES, BR, NO, DK, SE, Fl, and many more. Our strengths lay in gaming (casino, slots, etc.), sports betting, and esports betting (news, sports, lifestyle, tech).
We request your flexibility in pricing while seeking out links, so we can deliver something concrete.

Curious? Let’s talk link building

We love talking link building. Let us know about your project and we’ll send you a free proposal