Is Link Building Still the Most Powerful SEO Strategy?

Is Link Building Still the Most Powerful SEO Strategy?

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Yes, creating links is still the most effective SEO strategy. It is regarded as the trickiest SEO technique. One of the best strategies to improve a page’s Google search rating is to get relevant backlinks from high-quality websites. The most significant ranking component is link building because it generates high-quality traffic from the backlinks.

Link building enables search engines to discover new websites, accurately assign page ranks to the websites, and identify which websites should appear higher in search engine results pages (SERP). Link building is necessary as part of marketing strategies to raise brand awareness.

Here are some basic SEO link-building strategies listed below:

  • Guest Post
  • Submit to Directories
  • Business Listing
  • Broken Link building
  • Blog Commenting
  • Social Bookmarking

Guest Post Link Building 

Backlinks from guest posts are, as the name implies, inbound links that you obtain as a result of your contributions to guest articles posted on other websites.

Guest blogging refers to the entire process and is highly acclaimed for its link-building powers and the engagement it fosters through content marketing.

It’s important to note that backlinks from guest posts can be either Dofollow or Nofollow.

Dofollow is the standard type. These inbound links represent “votes of confidence” in the eyes of search engine crawlers. Referral domains distribute them to identify your website as an authority on the chosen topic, which eventually results in better search engine rankings.

On the other hand, links with the rel=”nofollow” HTML element are known as “nofollow” links. Despite the possibility that your site is slightly pertinent to the topic, this informs search engines that they shouldn’t consider the attribution a straight vote of authority on the subject.

As a result, when determining search ranks, Google’s PageRank algorithm needs to take the links into account directly. They are utilized to spread brand awareness and drive referral traffic instead.

But, even though they look the same, these two sorts of guest post backlinks exist. They both appear as hyperlink anchor text, which is often denoted in the article’s text or the author’s bio.

Read | What is Editorial Backlink?

Submit to Directories

The importance of directory submission to digital marketing can be attributed to several factors. There are millions of websites online. Thus, a company’s ability to attract new clients is significantly influenced by its SEO performance.

Your Business cannot benefit from having a website that potential (or existing) customers never see. These are a few justifications for and examples of the value of directory submission.

Secondly, directory listings can broaden your online reach and boost traffic. If you utilize the right keywords when you submit your website to directories, more search engines will properly register your website listing.

So, prospective clients can actively search for your website or find it as part of searches using Google or other search engines. 

Also, this will assist you in enhancing web traffic and your exposure online. Once more, ensuring that your directory submissions follow sound SEO principles is crucial. To guarantee that the content and SEO of your site are as effective as possible, it may be helpful to seek professional assistance.

Increased link popularity is another advantage of directory submission. Because your website appears trustworthy to search engines like Google, using directory submission will result in higher-quality backlinks. Including your website and its pages in the relevant categories ensures that your website will rank higher in search engine results, another benefit of directory submission.

It might be challenging to comprehend SEO and its advantages to your Business. This is especially true if you are still getting familiar with the words and techniques required to improve search engine results. You can ensure your website, social media feeds, and directory submission details are intended to get your company identified with a seasoned website management agency like MGMT Digital. 

Make sure people can find your website when they look for services. Get in touch with us right now to learn more about how we can assist you in creating a new website, updating an existing one, or enhancing your search engine rankings.

Business Listing 

How frequently do you find a business listing on Google with scant details, no photographs, and few reviews? Did you feel confident enough in that company to contact them or visit their website?

I doubt it. Local businesses benefit from business listings, which increase their internet presence and visibility. Local consumers are drawn to and converted into paying customers by a company listing with up-to-date information, reviews, and photographs.

Which one is the best? It is free and doesn’t call for any specialized technological knowledge.

Which platforms should my business be listed on?

As you may have noticed, numerous sites provide company listings. Let’s look at some of the busiest websites and discuss their significance.

Google My Business: 

With more than 88 percent of the market share in the world, Google is the leading search engine. This is where you should start if you want to build a company listing.

Bing Places: 

Even though Bing only accounts for roughly 6% of the global search market, creating a company listing there can still be worthwhile. That represents 6% of the billions of queries, after all.


In the United States, Yelp is the most popular website for business reviews. Companies with a high Yelp rating and many reviews see faster revenue growth. 42% of visitors to Yelp buy something the same day.


Businesses may use hyperlocal marketing to target specific clients. Businesses sign up for listings that are noticeable in their communities. 25% of homes in the United States, according to their website.


Bing is the search engine used by Yahoo Localworks. The amount of traffic coming from Bing is the same. Even though Yahoo only captured 2% of the search market, that is still 2% of massive traffic.

Broken Link Building

A broken link does not function; it directs users to the Page Not Found error. Building hyperlinks to your reproduced content rather than 404 pages on other websites is a white-hat technique called “broken link building.” The idea behind broken link construction is relatively straightforward and can be broken down into a few easy steps. What you need to do is:

  • On other websites, look for broken links.
  • Offer your website as a substitute by contacting the webmasters of the related sites.
  • Place your connections in their place to replace the broken ones.

Why is building broken links among SEOs so common? It’s because it functions. No web admin is proud of their website directing customers to a 404 error page or a closed shop. Furthermore, it is a scalable link-building technique that produces positive outcomes with little effort.

Unlike the traditional link request, you are helping the webmaster by alerting them to their broken links (an issue) and providing a fix (fixing the problem).

Read | What Is Manual Link Building?

Blog Commenting

Blog commenting with a backlink to your site is one of the most popular backlink-building techniques. Although you might get a few links from it, it usually comes off as incredibly spammy and frequently results in the site owner or moderator deleting your post.

I have many tips and strategies for accomplishing it well because commenting on backlinks is common. Here is a list of considerations when leaving a link in blog comments.

Remain on Topic

Ensure the link is relevant to the topic by reading the article you are linking to. Ensure the addition you’re making addresses an issue the author should have addressed or covered sufficiently in their report.

Remember to provide this justification in your remark as well. Say that you loved the post but believe there is more to be said about X element of the subject, and that is why you’ve given a link that goes into greater detail.

Always keep in mind that the goal is to provide value.

State the Reason

Just saying you liked the article and adding a random link at the end comes out as incredibly spammy, and your comment will probably be deleted.

Tell the author why you believe a link is necessary; they will be fascinated. If you can’t develop a compelling rationale for posting the link, you shouldn’t post it.

Register as a Regular

A wrong first impression is created if you appear on an author’s website after they have never heard of you and start spouting your link. Keep up with their postings and leave comments without offering a connection if you like what they say.

As writers read every remark left on their work, they will start to notice that you read most of what they publish and will be grateful.

By doing this, they’ll be more inclined to give it a chance and leave it there for everyone to view when you have a legitimate cause to add a link, presuming it contains valuable information. Responding to comments made by other readers is another method to be seen. Respond and let them know if something they said was insightful or had something you could offer. If you want to establish yourself and forge relationships, engage in honest dialogues with readers of your site.

Check the Comment Policy

Most websites that accept comments will include some form of commenting guidelines or regulations section. The author may comment on connecting these parts as well.

Ensure that you do as they instruct. Only attempt to insert a link if they allow it. Either find another website or leave a remark without a connection.

To demonstrate that you read the guidelines, check to see if there is a spot on the website where you can link back to your website before doing so in the comment body.

Add your Real Photo and Name.

Be careful to add a professional photo of yourself and your genuine name if the website or blog asks you to register to leave a comment.

To avoid appearing spammy, avoid using your company’s name or URL. Most spammers try to include URLs in their names and hardly ever bother to provide a picture. Whatever you can do to set yourself apart is a huge plus.

Social Bookmarking

A specific online page is saved to a social bookmarking platform through social bookmarking, so you can return to it later. Users of social bookmarking websites have 24/7, cross-device access to their bookmarks online. Users of social bookmarking websites can add, annotate, and share bookmarked web pages with their team, which is helpful for marketers.

Bookmarks may be shared with specified groups, made public, or kept secret. Sites for social bookmarking can be utilized similarly to those for social search. You can search and browse to view popular and recently added web pages. Visitors can vote on and comment on web pages they enjoy, making it simple to determine which articles are the most helpful.

Ways to use Social Bookmarking Websites

Curating Content

Curating material to share with your audience is one of your marketing responsibilities, especially in social media. By saving online articles or resources on a social bookmarking website, you can ensure you always have enough information to share with your audience. Social bookmarking allows you to schedule info in advance and save time.

As an illustration, look at the recipes-related stuff I’ve selected for my Pinterest profile. I have a whole board devoted to curating recipes, specifically keto and low-carb options if any of my followers are interested.

Manage and Conserve Your Resources

One advantage of social bookmarking websites is the ability to categorize and save content for later revisit. Marketers must maintain track of the tools that advance their careers. It’s beneficial to use a website where you can keep these resources organized so you don’t lose important information.

Tag Content

Most social bookmarking websites allow you to “tag” or label content. You can “tag” content as “YouTube” if it, for instance, discusses YouTube SEO tactics in a blog article. Then, you have a section in your social bookmarking account marked with YouTube for when you want to check up on that item again or require resources for YouTube. By doing this, you keep the resources you conserve organized and accessible.

Sharing Resource

Another use for social bookmarking technologies is to share articles with your team. If you come across an article on social media strategy, as a marketer, you can mark the content as “Social Media” so that your social media team can find it.

If they have access to the social bookmarking service, any team member can regularly check in to find the necessary materials. Workers can use this to grow in their careers and impart their knowledge to others.

For instance, with Pocket, you can “tag” content. Selecting the “Tags” category from your profile’s “Category” header on the left will allow you to access specific articles.

Final Thoughts

The most effective SEO tactic is link building, regardless of the circumstances. The quantity of pertinent inbound links to a page is taken into account by search engines like Google as they crawl a website.

More links of higher quality will help a website rank better.

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