Guest Posting Guidelines: How to Write a Perfect Post?

Guest Posting Guidelines

Table of Contents

Writing a blog post is not just about making search engines happy; it’s about making your readers happy. Nowadays, people love to read friendly content, and blog posts are a great source to talk to your readers on certain issues.

You try to reach your audience level and solve their queries via blog posts. It is useless to miss the basic steps for writing a blog post.

Although it is not easy to write a good blog post, you can learn to write just in a few steps. You just need to follow these steps and write to create magic in readers.

This article will teach you the easy steps for writing a good blog post. Just keep reading it for more information.

Once you follow these steps in your writing, we ensure you that the piece of information you will deliver will stick in the mind of readers.

Let’s start with the steps with a brief discussion on each. 

10 Easy Steps for Writing a Perfect Guest Post

Easy Steps for Writing a Perfect Guest Post

You can draft an awesome blog post just by following the given steps. These simple steps will make your post complete. Let us begin it without any wait!

  1. Choose the Right Topic

Start your blog post by thinking about a suitable topic. You had a niche and always chose a topic related to the niche. The topic must have a nice search volume. 

You can find the topic with the help of different SEO tools. These tools give a huge list of topics related to your niche.

Another benefit of having a good search volume topic is that it will help your post rank quickly.

The topic of your post is also its title. You can finalize it at the end or the beginning of writing. The topic includes the keywords and title to enhance the impact of the keywords as keywords optimize your title. So, always keep keywords in your title together. 

Then explore more about your topic; this will help you to write with a proper sequence. 

  1. Make Perfect Outline

The structure of a blog post is very easy, and the basic part of a blog article includes:

  • Title  
  • Introduction
  • Main Body 
  • Facts/Figure
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

The simple outline will make your post more proper and engaging. 

The post’s introduction is the main point, and delivering the key message you are writing about is better. The key message is the query of the viewers. Try to grab the reader’s attention just from the first paragraph. 

Then start writing further about all the possible information you want to deliver with all the facts, figures, and details. Add the facts and information with bullet points. Write like a short story and set the tone you are talking to your reader. 

Next, you have to conclude all the possible information you have delivered above. You should know it creates a good impression. Sometimes readers just want to read you the final words. 

You can follow another method to find your blog post’s appropriate headings and style. 

Start with the keywords search; you will find the articles related to your search. Then open all the top 5 articles in a new tab. Read all articles one by one. Note the headings of them. 

This way, you will know what your competitors are writing and what you should add to make your blog post rank first. Well, It is the easiest way to write a blog post. 

  1. Start Writing Your Blog Post

As discussed above, the whole outline for your blog post. Now it the time to start with the introduction paragraph. 

Your main aim must be to write an Engaging Blog Post. The readers are engaged when their emotions are engaged. 

You have to entertain your readers as well as educate them. If needed, scare them to create suspense to compel them to read your article completely. 

While writing, you have to hit your target audience. Then write according to your active audience.  

Always deliver quality content to your readers. Meet the expectations of your viewers and solve their problems by engaging them.

Don’t try to betray them with useless stuff of information. It will lessen their interest in opening your post next time. 

So, ensure the audience that you are ready to serve them and solve their queries. 

  1. Adopt Conversational Style in Your Writing

The conversational style in writing is mean to informal. Your tone in writing is like you are talking to your audience. 

The conversational style helps you to develop a strong bond between you and your readers. It helps you 

  • To deliver your blog information easily.
  • You engage the audience in a better way.
  • The audience, keep your blog in mind. 

Do you know how you can achieve a conversational style in your post? Probably yes, you better understand this, but some of us forget to write in a conversational tone while writing. So, keep the following point on priority while writing your post. 

  • Use simple and short sentences.
  • Use simple words while making a sentence.
  • Avoid phrases. 
  • Use more emotional words to show your emotions and senses, as your reader can’t see your gestures.
  • Use contractions, and you’ll, you’re, and don’t, etc.
  • Use active voice in sentences.
  • Try to use interjections like Wow!, Oops! Oh! 
  • Asks question to your audience to engage them.
  1. Make Your Blog Post Readable

Make simple sentences and use easy wording. Do not write long paragraphs; write short sentence paragraphs of one to two lines. It will create a smooth flow in your writing. 

People love to read scan content, so always highlight their pain points; you think that’s the main thing your reader is here for it. So, the focus should be the user’s pain point.

Breakup text wall with images and graphics for better readability. You can use stories to build user interest in articles. Like, “I have bought these soccers, and they are very useful in terms of weight, color, and durability.”

Headings size must be appropriate; after writing the introductory paragraph of your post, simply answer the user question, which should be illustrated and bold highlighted.

  1. Visual Engagement In Blog Posts

A blog post is incomplete without visual content. It is also a way of interacting with your audience and engaging your customers; a picture has more power than words. It attracts the attention of readers. 

So, only text does not affect engagement; 74% depends on visuals. That is the reason images and video content organize the audience more effectively.

With visual content, including graphics and video, in your article, the statistical content, including values and figures, is also important. It is a unique way to make your blog post the most authentic. 

  1. Words Count

Writing lengthy blogs of 3000 words is not always good. The most successful post has under 1000 – 1500 words, not more than that. Ensure the length of your article must be normal, which takes 6 minutes to read.

The length of your blog post also depends on the topic. For example, write short blogs if you have a simple and informative topic. So, for such a blog post, 500+ words are the standard length.

  1. Post Your Blog Timely

Make a proper timetable for posting your blogs. Also, the audience wants your blogs with certain expectations. Your active audience always waits for your content. It decides the worth of your blog post.

There are also other benefits to posting your blogs regularly:

  • It creates a huge impact on SEO.
  • The regular post activity informs Google that your website is active.
  • Your content stays updated.

So, once you start blogging, please don’t stop sharing it with your targeted audience. 

  1. Add Interlinks in Your Blog Post 

Interlinking is a way to link your post to other websites. It helps you to control your site with internal links. It also drains traffic to your post, and the search engine works on its base. 

Interlink the related content in your blog post; it gives your audience more information they probably need. So, make sure interlinks exist relevant to the blog post.

  1. Check Grammar Mistakes 

After completing the writing, run your content through Grammarly. Make your blog free from visual mistakes. It improves your writing skills. You can set the levels of writing, and it helps to deliver clear and correct sentences and simple and free from phrases sentences. 

What Makes Your Blog Post-Perfect?

What Makes Your Blog Post-Perfect

With the help of the steps discussed above, you can write a perfect post. But you should know what makes your post look engageable. 

How can you know your post is ready to publish when you have completed your writing task?

Maybe you never think about it, well here are some qualities. When you have added these points, it will satisfy you that you have done great.

  • Blog posts are easy to read.
  • Your post must be interesting to read
  • Your blog post addressed the target audience
  • Good blog posts build a bond with their audience
  • The perfect blog post is always SEO optimized.

The Dlinx Outreach team can answer any questions you may have regarding these steps, or in case you are interested in guest posting services, they can also help!

Final Words:

If you are starting, your new blog article is specially written for you. Because here, we added the possible steps to guide you in writing a unique blog post. If you follow these steps, there will be no doubt about its rank. Hope you find it helpful! 

10 Easy Steps for Writing a Perfect Guest Post

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