Link building, in marketing terms defined as the process of getting hyperlinks on anchor text that drives users of other websites to your website. In search engine optimization (SEO), these backlinks are vital to rank to a website on search engine result pages (SERPs).
A typical example is shown below, where the Guardian hyperlinked “Russia” to another page.

Readers are primarily interested in authentic, legitimate, up-to-date and well-written content to update their knowledge and to which they can refer with authority.
If this is the case, bloggers, news sites and vloggers will refer to your site as a reference, promoting the backlinks. In contrast, content based on fake data, plagiarism and bad grammar would not be referred.
If you have interesting, updated and relevant content, you will attract readers; in contrast, plagiarized, outdated and spammy articles will never motivate readers. So, it’s quality than the quantity of backlinks that matters in the field of SEO.
Content could be of many types: a blog, a video, a short reel, microblogs on social media and an Email for outreach. Each type of content has its impact on society and businesses.
Following are the main features of the great and valid content that would force readers and watchers to cite and refer.
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Well Researched
Content based on research, stats and facts will always get attention. So before writing about anything, please research all related information on different forums and try to compile a concise report.
Verifying and validating your content from multiple independent and authentic sources is also recommended before referring them to your content.
Always start with a brainstormed topic, and try to understand the physics of the topic by reading and skimming through the top pages, magazines, videos and related material.
Next, look for in-depth knowledge and find the open space within the topic. Collect and organize your information and write down the layout.
Write the whole article, give evidence to prove and support your point, and feel free to convey your own point of view as well.
Readable, Memorable, Relatable, Shareable
Great content is one which is well-written, free of typos and grammatical mistakes. A well-written article will always leave an impression on your memories.
These impressions will then be related to and shared with others, bringing in links for your platform. Do focus on these four “ables” to increase the value of your content.
Current Affairs
Write articles about current advancements, affairs and news, as it is the hot-selling product. Most people are interested in the recent happenings in their niche, and this is what they mostly search for.
If you are going to write about Winston Churchill’s government, there would be hardly any readers except those who are interested in history, but if you write a blog on Rishi Sunak, the current PM of England, you will get high traffic.
This is the same reason; News channels stop airing everything for the “Breaking News.” So always write on the current hot topics, and keep updating articles on current affairs on your website.
For the same reason, you will see the live coverage of the breaking news on the websites and news channels. Look at the picture below; Reuters have pubslhedd about the current issue in Canada, where the government is facing difficulties in recruiting firefighters, published two hours ago, as I am writing this article.

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Infographics and Visuals
One picture equals thousands of words, and one small video equals thousands of pictures.
What do you look when you start reading content? Of course, it’s pictures and linked videos. If you are a master of that fields, visuals, flow charts and figures give you a rough idea of the content.
A high number of visitors will read full articles if these infographics are catchy and captivating. Similarly, most YouTube videos are watched because of their flashy, vivid, dazzling, striking thumbnails.
Look at the beautifully crafted thumbnail of the video related to the Fast X movie.

Always support your writing with pictures, flow diagrams, visuals, shorts and reals. These visuals are beneficial as they significantly impact their readers. Look how effectively a single graph summed up the “UNITED NATIONS POPULATIONS TO 2100.”

Statistics and Data Representation
The present world is all about data. A campaign in SEO is based on the data. E.g., if you are planning to sell an umbrella in North America, what would you analyze first; what is the precipitation percentage in that area, how many competitors are there, how do competitors share the market, what is their production rate, how many kinds of the umbrella are there, which color is most famous, what feature in an umbrella is more liked, etc.
The same is the case with an article and blog. Try to get the answer to this “What, how many, where and what kind” before writing and creating content. High hits are guaranteed if you know the answers.
If you want your article to be read, quoted, shared and linked, always endorse it with the stats and data. People like to mention the percentages when they refer to a topic. A quantitative analysis is always better than the qualitative one.
Below is an example of an article where the writer used quantitative data to capture the reader’s attention.

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Be creative in your content. If you keep following the usual trend and style of writing, the reader will get bored. Keep them involved and mesmerized by your creativity.
Think out of the box, and use content ingeniously so that your article stands out. This creativity becomes even more critical when creating video content because you need to summarize it in the shortest possible time to motivate the viewers.
Try the hub and spook strategy to be more creative. This strategy will help you focus on each item to achieve your goal. This strategy keeps the reader interested as you have addressed every possible way (spooks) to achieve your goal and objectives (hub). Readers stay longer at your site, increasing its authority and ranking and chances of link building.

Focused Contents
Rather than running here and there, be focused and try to discuss a single topic in one article. Trying to give information on multiple issues in a single content will confuse readers and audiences about your presented information, as various topics often have conflicting content.
Focus on one topic, research it and write in the best possible way for effective link-building.
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Pros and Cons
Try to cover reader and viewer-oriented pros and cons of your topic. People are always interested in the advantages and disadvantages of the things and technologies you present.
The comparison of pros and cons is good, especially when you are introducing a new technology or service to others.
Be aware that if you try to sell a product or service, ensure you have presented the best of your products most effectively and efficiently. A typical example is shown below, where the writer compared one and off-page SEO with the help of infographics.

Engaging and Perception Changes
When a person searches for anything, he has a superficial or zero knowledge of that topic. In both cases, the contents should be exciting and engaging enough that reader should go through the whole article or video.
If the content is full of all the ingredients and spices, it will change his perception not only about the topic but also about your domain and contents. This will increase your traffic and will also help you to build links.
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Publishing Schedule
Haven’t you seen your grandpa waiting for the hawker early in the morning at a fixed time? He knows that the hawker will come at his scheduled time, and he will get the Newspaper full of updated and exciting news.
Do not you know when the new episode of “Game of Thrones” will be aired? Yes, you do and sum up all of your work before to enjoy watching live.
So keep adding new exciting content to your website at a scheduled time. People do not like to wait, so scheduling content uploading is beneficial to stop readers from navigating other platforms. They know the time of the update and will visit in a time slot.
Refresh your article.
Technology is evolving at a tremendous speed. So the content you have written ina recent past might be outdated now. Regularly check your content and refresh it with updated data and knowledge.
If you want to be in the game, do not swim against the currents. It will tire you up and eventually get you out of the game. So keep changing, refresh, and be ready to adopt if you want to build authentic links.
SEO Friendly
Great content is useless if it is not findable and visible to others. Naively, content that is findable from inside and outside your website is SEO-friendly. High findability means high visibility, which will ensure that it has more readers and viewers. The following are some of the traits of an SEO-friendly article.’
- Keyword oriented
- Optimized images
- Internal backlinks
- Heading and subheading
- Optimized length
- Shareable on all forums
- Contact Us feature
Moreover, your website should be catchy and navigable. There should not be annoying pop-ups, and search and sidebars should be included. Rating and number of reads and views of the contents should be highlighted. Do not just randomly place articles and videos; categorize them according to their niche. Do not forget to link to your website’s most famous/hot articles/videos.
Content is not a king, it’s the kingdom.
Lee Odden
The buzzword “Great Content” will give you high traffic and backlinks, high traffic will rank you higher in the SERPs, and a high position will grant high sales.
Great content is not a myth; it is simply content that teaches and informs you, entertain you in your leisure time and, more importantly, encourages you to buy a product or service.
Content writing, especially great content writing, is not a household thing; it requires the ability, competence, and skill to research and write most proficiently.
Luckily, Dlinx Outreach is an SEO agency comprised of skilled content writers with the abovementioned traits to write great content for you. Dlinx writes articles for your business and makes them SEO optimized to be findable, easily accessible and shareable. Please get in touch with us for more information and a customized package.
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