How Much Do Backlinks Cost? Learn About the Cost of Your Link Building Campaign

How Much Do Backlinks Cost

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In the present era, everything is available on your mobile fone with a click on a “Link or technically Backlink.” A commoner unconsciously clicks on numerous backlinks for various purposes like getting more information, purchasing an item, looking at the stats of something or many more.

So unconsciously, these backlinks are part of our lives and the backbone of digital advertisement word. So, search engine optimization is focused on getting backlinks; you can either earn it by impressing others with your work or expertise or buy it through different mechanisms.

Although Google is against purchasing backlinks, yet buying backlinks becomes inevitable as you need a jump start to enter a business. So tactfully buying backlinks, as the SEO agency Dlinx outreach does, that look natural will boost your business.

Now, we are searching for an answer: How much does a single backlink cost? Well, the answer is not straightforward. The cost could range b/w $100-1500+, depending upon many factors, which will be discussed later.

Is it Worth Investing in Link Building?

Is it Worth Investing in Link Building

Yes, it is worth investing in link building as it promotes your business and gives you convertible customers. The number of links and their quality and authority dictate your position in the search engine result pages. The higher your position, the better your visibility, which means more people will visit your platform, and your business will progress.

As mentioned, publicity is a key parameter, and its dynamics have changed in the last 5 to 10 years. Studies suggest that people spend more time on different platforms than watching TV. So, you must present links to your potential customers on every social media platform for higher purchase rates. So, backlinks are no longer a choice but a requirement.

How many Links?

There is no exact way to find the number of links required for a business. More is always better in the case of backlinks. It would be helpful to use tools like Ahrefs and Moz to get a rough idea about the requirement of backlinks.  

These tools will help you determine which types of backlinks give you real and organic traffic. Moreover, it will also give you stats about the effect of new links on the business.

Ahrefs gives you the approximate links required to index a particular keyword-based backlink. The keywords often searched and talk of the town are easy to index and require fewer backlinks. In contrast, those keywords, which are uncommon, take more links to index and get a position in the top ten. Ahrefs’ keyword difficulty Checker can do this job for you.

Natural vs. Paid Links

Natural vs. Paid Links

Google does not favour buying backlinks and has a very strict policy. So, Google might take action if you buy links that do not look natural and are coming from illegitimate sites.

So natural links are always favoured, but these are hard to earn and take a lot of time and patience. Since these links are genuine, they will always give you static traffic and a high conversion rate.

There are many ways to earn backlinks naturally; some are mentioned below, and further details can be found in this blog.

  • Create high-quality content that is referred to and shareable.
  • Try to reach through Email with the backlink.
  • Request the webmaster to replace a broken and outdated backlink with your link.
  • Present the latest stats and surveys embedded with infographics and catchy pictures.
  • Produce collaborative work and publish both at national and international levels.

Cost of backlinks

No one categorically gives you a number about the cost of backlinks. The cost depends on many factors like niche, DA and DR of the main website and the industry. The details of these factors will be provided later in this blog. The price of links varies from $100 to $1500+ per month, depending upon the quality and quantity of links.

Link-building costs are also increasing with time as more people know these backlinks’ benefits. So demand is increasing. So, as the market rule suggests, “More demand leads to the higher price.”

As per Ahrefs, the average cost per link was approximately $350 back in 2016, which escalated to $500 in 2020, and now it has increased even further. So, in the present year, the average budget for a building campaign varies between $500-$20,000 per month.

Different industries have different costs of links. These industries can be divided into three main categories. Following is the price range of different industries for 2023.

  • Cheap: The lowest price range is from the gaming, betting, pornographic and charity websites; the price range varies from $250 to $350. The average cost is approximately $300.
  • Mid Range: Similarly, industries like tech, real estate, legal, and law cost you $300-$600. The average cost is approximately $450 in this case.
  • Costly: More expensive platforms are finance, casino, health, etc., costing $600-$1500+. The average cost is approximately $900.

Similarly, one can also categorize the cost based on the DR or DA of websites.

  • Cheap: The sites with DR<40 are considered cheap and easy to get links, and their price range varies from $250 to $350. The average price is approximately $325.
  • Mid Range: When 40>DR<60, these sites are mid-range and can cost $300-600. The average price is approximately $500.
  • Costly: When DR>60, these sites are real juice if you can get links; they are very expensive and cost $600-1500+. The average price, in this case, is approximately $950.

So, these are some of the stats that give you a rough idea about the price range for different platform groups. So, if someone is offering a very low price for a link, be vigilant and be sure you are purchasing a legitimate link. An illegitimate link can ruin your hard-earned business.

Factors Affecting the Cost

Factors Affecting the Cost

The following are the factors affecting the cost of backlinks.

Domain Rating: It measures the strength of backlinks, and its value ranges between 0-100, where a lower value means the low strength of the backlink, and a higher value indicates the high strength.

So, the higher the domain authority of the platform, the more it costs to get a backlink. Despite the high cost, such backlinks will forward a high flux of organic traffic, which used to have a high conversion rate.

Domain Authority:  The whole race of backlinks is to earn the top position in the search engine results pages. Domain authority is the main factor that gives you a high position. Its value also varies from 0-100. Like DR, the higher the DA value, the higher the cost per link.

In-House or Hiring an SEO Agency: Technically speaking, outsourcing or hiring an SEO agency for the link-building process is cheaper than the in-house setup. So, whatever model you plan to adopt, add this cost to the link-building total cost.

Industry: As mentioned before, different industries cost you differently, depending upon the niche. Using backlinks from your relevant industries is highly recommended because it will give you high convertible traffic. So, the cost of a backlink in the gaming industry is less than the tech.

Brand Reputation: The link-building process would be much easier if you already have a well-known brand. So brands like Nike or Adidas do not have to spend much to earn backlinks. Their customers and bloggers would genuinely create backlinks for them.

The picture below is not from the Nike website; it is from another website, selling Nike’s products, creating backlinks and publicity for them at no cost.

Brand Reputation

In-House or Hire an Agency

I would categorically suggest outsourcing the link-building process to an SEO agency, as it is convenient, effective, and lower in cost. Following are the reasons for preferring outsourcing our in-house setup.

Cost Effective: Outsourcing is always less expensive, as you do not have to pay your employees the monthly salary, allowances and insurance. You have to negotiate the price per link with the agency, and you are free of all liabilities.
Access to Data: Agencies used to have data of different websites of their DA, DR, niche and cost per link. This data is hard to compile and needs regular upgradation. This is highly classified information, and agencies do not share it. So, hiring an agency will give you access to all such information.

SEO Tools: SEO tools are very costly and hiring an agency will also give you access to these tools, as these agencies used to keep the licensed version of the tools Like Ahrefs, MoZ and Semrush for regular checking of stats.

Let the Expert Do the Job: The most important attribute in the present era is skill set, and SEO agencies used to have a skilled workforce well-versed in link-building strategies. They are aware of Black and white hat strategies of link building. So let the Expert do their job and focus on the rest of the processes of your product.

Despite many benefits of hiring an agency, one should also be vigilant and keep auditing the link-building process of the agency, conversion rate and traffic from these links. These stats will help you gauge the links’ quality and the agency’s performance.

Link Farms and Private Blog Networks

Link Farms and Private Blog Networks

Both Link Farms and Private Blog Networks work similarly, but the former sends the link juice within their farm and the latter outside PBNs. These link-building techniques are not recognized by Google and get penalized, as they manipulate Google’s algorithm for ranking.

So next time, if someone sells a high DR link cheaply, it should raise a red flag, as all such links come from farms or PBNs.


Backlinks are part and parcel of every digital advertisement strategy, as their quality and quantity dictate their position in search engine result pages. These backlinks can be earned organically but require much effort, dedication, patience and waiting. The other way is to buy these backlinks.

Though buying backlinks is not legal as per Google’s policy, one can escape the penalty by tactfully buying organic backlinks. As a matter of fact, in the present competitive world, one has to buy links to have visibility, credibility and quick business.

 How much you can spend on creating backlinks depends on the budget. You can buy the same amount of backlinks by spending $5000 or even $20,000. So, the cost depends highly on the DA, DR, brand reputation and the industry.

The best way to buy these links is to hire an SEO agency. Dlinx Outreach is an SEO agency that helps you buy pocket-friendly but effective backlinks to promote your product on different forums. Look at the agency’s portfolio for the details, and feel free to contact us for further information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of a backlink?

One can not give a specific number regarding cost, but its value varies between $100 to $1500+.

What are the main factors affecting the cost?

DA, DR, brand reputation and the industry are the main factors.

In-house vs. outsourcing buying links; which one is better?

In our opinion, outsourcing is a better option.

Is it legal to buy backlinks?

Technically, it is illegitimate to buy links, but there are certain ways to make backlinks look natural.

Is it worth buying links?

Yes, it is part of digital advertisement strategies nowadays.

Does Dlinx outreach help you to buy links?

Yes, Dlinx is an SEO agency that helps you buy natural links.

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Haiqa Saleem

Haiqa Saleem

Haiqa is head of content at Dlinx Outreach. She is an avid writer and bookworm and has been with Dlinx since 2019. As a true tech geek and an extraordinary content strategist, she leverages her passion for the digital sphere and love for writing to share her knowledge through insightful content. She writes with a data-driven perspective.

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