What are the Types of Link Insertion in SEO?

Types of Link Insertion in SEO

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We often click on flashing, underlined, or colored text, which takes us to another site for further information, purchase, and advertisement. This text that links us to another site is called a link or backlink.

Backlinks are a vital and often decisive factor in Google’s ranking mechanism of search engine result pages (SERPs) as these pass” Link Juice” in the ranking. It also shows the domain’s authority.

Link insertion at different platforms is a laborious mechanism that requires much insight, time, expertise, and patience. If you are looking for a team of experts for link insertion, please visit Dlinx Outreach.

Since the inception of search engine optimization and Google’s crawling mechanism for the ranking process, the importance of link insertion has increased manyfold. Links are also integral to digital marketing and must be optimized for better performance and output.

This article will explain the types of link insertions, and then the best practices for the link insertions will be discussed later.

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Types of Links Insertions

Types of Links Insertions

Let’s cover the types of link insertion and how you can become an authority by utilizing this. Also. I will try to cover the types of link insertions in search engine optimization.

Contextual Link Insertion

Contextual links are the links that are inserted in blogs, articles, and other texts. You need to write high-quality content for these links, which should also be relevant to your product’s niche. Backlinks past the “Link Juice” and help you to get visibility and ranking in Google’s SERPs. 

This can be understood with the help of a simple example. Suppose you own a sports goods store, especially footballs. On your website, write a blog describing salient features of football, and in that blog, you may link the relevant keyword to your product page. So, this kind of content serves two purposes: you provide good quality content to the reader, and you also promote your product.

Broken Link Replacement

Broken Link Replacement

In the present era, information evolves in days and months, especially in the IT world. Once-relevant information might now be irrelevant. Similarly, Important might become unimportant in a year or two.

So, for the same reasons, websites keep updating their content with new trends, information, and statistics. So, there are plenty of chances that you might find a link in a blog or a webpage which is no longer available. Such links can be repaired and replaced with new, informative, and relevant links. This process is called link replacement or broken link building.

SEO tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and SEMrush are helpful in link insertions. These tools can also help in finding broken links. After carefully analyzing these broken links, one can email the webmaster, letting him know about the link and requesting to replace it with your relevant link.

The trick in this link insertion is to target the high DR and DA sites. Find their broken links and politely and tactfully write to the webmaster with the request. It is a win-win situation; the website will get the updated link, and you will get a new backlink. For the replacement, your content should also match the webpage’s standard.

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Be an Authority to get Links

Do Quora and Pinterest need to pay or ask their peers for the links? Obviously, not because they are already authoritative sites. So be an authority, and people will get to you automatically.

To be an authoritative website, you need to produce high-quality content regularly. These contents should be updated, relevant to your niche, well-written, and crafted. It should be so catchy and captivating that people love linking it to this content. The properties of such content can be found in this article.

Becoming an authority is not an overnight job; it requires continuous and consistent efforts. It is a long-term process; slowly and steadily, you will become an authority. 

The picture below shows the part of a blog where he mentioned a website for planning a trip. So, if you are an authority, others would like to link with you for the validity of their content.

Be an Authority to get Links

Guest Posting Link Insertion

Guest Posting is also a good way to insert links into different websites. There are different sites available that allow guest posting. Look for high authority and ranked websites and email the webmaster for the guest posting.

Write the relevant blog and insert the link in the relevant keywords. It is also worth mentioning that do not forget to ask the webmaster about the link insertion policy, as different sites have adopted different policies for link insertions.

 High authority websites will only allow the relevant links, and they are strict on it and will strictly scrutinize your content. They can take down your blog if it looks like stuffing.

 On the other hand, predatory and malicious sites allow all kinds of content with backlinks. So, be well-versed with the policy of the targeted website before asking and publishing your blog.

The picture below shows a blog link promoting its agency with the anchor text.

Agency with the anchor text

Links from Resource Pages

Different industries have their resource pages. The relevant experts and technologists often visit these pages to learn about the new equipment, instruments, and other advancements.

This is, again, a very good strategy to get high-quality links and increase your ranking. It is highly recommended to contact the maximum number of resource pages of your niche and contact them for the link insertion.

This type of link insertion is also a time-consuming process and requires a lot of patience, as resource pages get many requests for the links. So be patient, precise, and polite in your conversation for the link insertion.  

The picture below shows the resource page for coffee and tea in New York. Such Pages are a good option for link insertion.

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Links from Resource Pages

Link Exchanging

Link exchanging is a win-win situation for both websites. You ask for the link, and in turn, you give a link, and, in the process, both get benefits in the form of link juice and ranking.

In the link exchange process, be relevant to your niche. Try to exchange with reputed high-quality websites. Exchanging links with malicious and spammy sites might be detrimental to your site, as you might be hit by the crawler of illegitimate activities and can be taken down.

It is also necessary to be relevant to your niche for the link exchange. You can also get links from other web pages, but it will not be effective and might not increase your sales, as the visitors are irrelevant to your business.

Links by Updating old content.

Like the broken link, it is a good way to get some link juice to update the old content with the new and relevant content. You may point out the outdated content to the webmaster and offer your content as a replacement. In the process, you get the link, and the webpage gets the updated content. This is helpful, especially in the IT industry, where things change at a quick pace.  

For example, suppose you find a website with an article about the Pentium 3 computer processes, which are obsolete now. In that case, you request the webmaster to update it with your article, explaining the i7 13th Gen processor. Similarly, you may ask to replace the low-quality picture or a video of a historical place with a high-quality HD picture and video with the backlink to your site.

Best Practices in Links Insertion

Best Practices in Links Insertion

There are some SEO expert footprints; if followed, one can have better visibility and credibility of their products. The following are the best practices for link insertions.

Look at the High Authority Site

Always look for a high-ranked and authoritative platform for link insertion. High-authority web pages of your niche will give you real benefits. Such pages used to have high traffic flux, and their visitors were usually also serious about the products. Hence, their chances of clicking your link are high, and the conversion ratio will likely be high as well.

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Relevant Pages

Do not just randomly pick the pages and platforms for the link insertions. Research the relevant pages of your niche and approach them with the link insertion. So, relevancy is a vital part of the link insertion.

So, if you are running a tourism company and inserted a link on an engineering tool provider’ page, it will not work for you. So be relevant to get relevant people to visit your platform.

Recent Posts

Recent and fresh blogs, posts, and articles should be your target for the link insertion. Recent posts used to have updated and relevant information, and the links on this post will help you gain visibility and popularity.

In digital marketing, people look at the article’s posting date, so keep posting the fresh content and updating the previously posted piece of content. This will also keep Google updated about your content freshness. Content freshness is also considered as the ranking factor.

Paid or Unpaid Links

It is a never-ending debate whether one should pay for the links. Unpaid links are hard to earn and time-consuming, whereas paid links are easy to get visibility. As per Google guidelines, paid links are illegal, but in the competitive world, SEO is heavily dependent on paid links.

So, in the competitive world, one cannot wait long to be visible. So, it would help if you bought links for promotional purposes. Certain ways could help you buy more organic and genuine links. The price of these links varies greatly and mostly depends on the website’s authority. More details about the cost of links can be found in this article.

Relevant Keywords

Every niche has relevant keywords that people usually use to search. SEO tools can help you to find these keywords. So, use the relevant keywords as the anchor text for the link insertion. Google usually recognizes the keywords and directs the traffic to your website. It is also worth mentioning that you do not stuff your content with keywords. It should look natural for better optimization.

Quality vs. Quantity.

In the debate of quality and quantity, quality always be preferred, and SEO is no exception. But one cannot completely ignore or put quantity aside in the SEO. So, quality and quantity are both important in SEO. So, the catch is to try to get as many links as possible from the high-ranked website, but these are difficult to get. In the meantime, one can target some medium-ranked sites for the links.

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Keep Monitoring Your Links

Do not just get the links and sleep. Keep monitoring and auditing your links. Keep track of the link performance based on the diverted traffic. Link is only valuable if it is giving you the link juice. Secondly, some websites replace their old blogs with new ones, and you may lose your link in that process. So, auditing your links using SEO tools should be done regularly. It will give you information on broken and dead links.

White Hat SEO

White hat strategies are legal, authentic, and legitimate ways to get the links. Google is very strict in using illegitimate and malicious ways to buy links and take serious actions against such platforms. Always follow the white hat strategies for the link insertions.


Links are an essential part of SEO and play a vital and pivotal role in your visibility and credibility. These links can be inserted by writing a guest post and replacing a broken link. One can also be able to get links if they are themselves authoritative. 

Link insertion is a difficult and time-consuming job requiring a lot of expertise. Hiring an SEO agency for the link insertion is better than hiring an in-house staff. Hiring an SEO agency is cheap and more effective, as they have dedicated teams with extensive experience. Dlinx Outreach is an SEO agency with a handful of link insertion experience. They always follow the white hat strategy for the link insertion. Feel free to contact us for further information.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is link Insertion worth it?

Yes, link insertion is a vital part of the ranking process of the websites. So, efforts should be made to get high-quality links for a better position in the SERPs.

What is the cost of a link?

The cost of a link mainly depends on the authority of the referring domain. It may cost you even $500 per link for high DR sites. More details can be found in this article.

How long does it take for a link to be effective?

The time frame is difficult to provide. White hat strategies will always take time, whereas links from the black hat strategies can be achieved quickly.

Is it okay to buy links?

It is illegal to buy links, but promotional links are legal. Other links can also be bought, but be careful, as Google crawlers are always on the lookout for paid links.

Can the Black Hat strategy be used for link Insertions?

Technically, this strategy is not allowed in the link insertion because it is illegitimate. This technique tries to manipulate Google’s ranking. Having said that, there are still some ways in the gray area of white and black hat strategies where SEO experts can work to get links without being penalized.

Can Dlinx help you with link insertion?

Dlinx is an expert in SEO and can help you with link insertion for better visibility and credibility.

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Haiqa Saleem

Haiqa Saleem

Haiqa is head of content at Dlinx Outreach. She is an avid writer and bookworm and has been with Dlinx since 2019. As a true tech geek and an extraordinary content strategist, she leverages her passion for the digital sphere and love for writing to share her knowledge through insightful content. She writes with a data-driven perspective.

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