Buying Backlinks Like a Pro Tips to Boost Backlink Strategy

Buying Backlinks like a Pro

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Buying backlinks, or in short “links,” is paying a website to place a hyperlink, leading visitors to your domain and enhancing organic traffic. In Search engine optimization (SEO), backlinks are very important to enhance your visibility, authenticity and credibility.

Backlinks are not the sole parameter that increases a domain’s ranking to appear in the top positions of Google search engine results pages (SERPs). However, they are still the key parameters that could help you increase organic traffic.

There are many ways to buy links like a pro; some of them are enlisted below;

  • Guest posting
  • Private blog network (PBN)
  • Direct Link
  • Review articles
  • Press releases
  • Testimonials
  • Ads on social media and Google

Buying these backlinks is more than an art; it requires expertise and mastery. This article covers all aspects of buying backlinks like a pro to provide you with a complete guide. It also covers the pros and cons of buying links.

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How to Get Backlinks?

How to get Backlinks

There is a hard but effective way and an easy but temporary way to get these links. Buying backlinks from a website is easy; however, earning a permanent backlink is hard, requiring much effort. The permanent backlinks are hard to earn but have a long-lasting impact. These can be achieved by;

  • Writing blog
  • Guest posting
  • Email outreaching
  • Requesting webmaster for a link
  • Replacing a broken link
  • Referrals at the end of the video
  • Social media links
  • Microblogging

Is buying backlinks legal?

This is one of the perplexing questions to answer. Legally, Google does not favor buying backlinks, as per Google Guideline.

So is it illegal to buy all links? The answer is no; some links are used for advertisements or sponsorships, which is purely legal and acceptable for Google.

 While those links which are purely used to temper and manipulate a domain’s ranking are termed as “Link Spam” and are illegitimate. Web crawler will penalize both the target and referring domain. Typical ways of generating these illegal links are;

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Excessive links from a single domain
  • PBNs
  • Referrals and 301 Redirects
  • Anchor text matching
  • Spammy Plugins
  • System generated links

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How to Buy Backlinks?

There are many ways to buy backlinks, some of which are mentioned below

1. Access Freelance Markets

Freelance markets have flourished, especially during the  COVID and have provided cheap solutions to many digital marketing issues.

So, try to access the freelance market like Upwork and Fiverr for cost estimation and link markets. This assessment will show you how to proceed further for the job and give you a comparative statement for the decision.

2. Diversity

Diversity is necessary for survival. It would help if you kept a good variety of your backlinks to attract visitors from different walks of life. Diversity is also a prerequisite of the links, as it shows the authenticity of your product.

3. Multiple Referrals from the same domain

Multiple referrals from the same site will lower your rank, as Google strictly looks at the referral, and if these are coming from the same site, they discount them and lower your rank. In addition, Google might also penalize both the referring and referred domain.

4. Betting and Pornographic Sites

The easiest and cheapest sites to get a backlink are betting and pornographic, but these are useless, as you hardly get a conversion rate from such sites.

In addition, Google will also find no relevance with your platform and will not count them to calculate your ranking.

5. Evaluate your Backlinks

Not all backlinks increase your ranking. Links from low DR and DA sites are useless, as they already have low traffic. So evaluate your sources of backlinks from SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush.

So when dealing with an agency or a freelancer for link purchases. Have a detailed discussion on the nature of backlinks.

6. Never Compromise on DA and DR

Domain authority and domain ranking are key game changers. Backlinks from high DA and DR sites will enhance your traffic and business.

Although buying backlinks from high DA and DR sites might cost you some bucks, but it will pay back many folds. In contrast, low DA and DR site backlinks will not help your business.

7. Quantity or Quality

Since the inception of knowledge, the debate of quality or quantity is kept going on and on. The same rift is present in SEO; should one go for quality or quantity?

Well, technically, you need both. Quantity does matter without compromising the quality of backlinks. So, all it comes down to your budget; what quality backlinks can be purchased within the specified budget.

8. Spammy Plugins

With a low conversion rate, Spammy plugins give you referrals without visitors’ consent. Additionally, it is also a clear violation of the visitor’s rights. So buying such backlinks will penalize you.

9. Anchor Text Manipulation

Anchor text should be such that it should not look like “forced insertion” atn that place. It should have continuity and relevancy with the flow of the topic. 

10. Relevance

Relevance to referring domains with your niche is vital, even if you buy them. Web crawlers keep a hawk’s eye on each backlink on your site. All those which are not relevant will be removed from your positioning of the website.

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Pros and Cons of Buying Backlinks

Pros and Cons of Buying Backlinks


Check out the pros of buying backlinks in 2024:

Initial Boost

If you are a new entrant in a business, buying backlinks will give you an initial boost to your business.


The purchased links will give you recognition in Google’s eye so that you start appearing in Google’s search engine. This appearance in the SERPs will improve your ranking and boost your traffic.


Time is money; earning an authentic backlink is not a piece of cake. It requires patience and determination; the former becomes meaningless when you have strong competition. So, buying referrals can save a lot of time.


Check out the cons of buying backlinks in 2024:


Links from high DR and DA sites are costly and will hit high on your pocket. The package is different for different kinds of DR sites.

Fear of Penalty

There is always a fear that Google might recognize that these are not natural links but purchased ones. They penalize such sites by lowering their ranking, and in extreme cases, they also take down the whole platform for violating Google’s guidelines.

Time Sensitivity

Purchased backlinks are time sensitive and will expire after a certain period. So if you want to keep them alive, you must pay them repeatedly. So this is going to be cost-intensive.

Be Vigilant

It would be best to keep auditing and vigilant while buying backlinks because spammy and malicious backlinks will cost you. Keep auditing your link at the regular period to avoid penalty. One must be extra cautious and keep auditing your links for better performance.

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Cost of Backlinks

The purchase cost highly depends on the domain’s ranking, authority, and niche. The USA’s average cost of tech sites is presented below as per the DA. The cost varies from 282$ to 127$ in 89 to 50 DA sites. It will go even further below if you further decrease the DA.

The price will also vary from country to country as well. One would find different prices in Europe and Asia as well. A detailed analysis of the cost is presented available in this article.

It is clearly up to your budget to decide where to publish your link. Higher DA sites will give you more organic traffic and a high conversion rate but at a high cost. In contrast, low DA sites might not give you high traffic and conversion rate but will give a jump start in the ranking.

DA vs Avg Price of Tech Sites

Do and Don’t Buy Backlinks

  • Always go for authentic websites and avoid spammy, malicious, and penalized sites.
  • Be relevant to your niche, not just buy links, and monitor relevancy.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing and force anchor text matching, as it will hinder the flow and raise a red flag in the visitor’s mind.
  • Do not just rely on your link provider; keep auditing the authenticity of your links. Illegitimate backlinks can ruin your hard-earned business.
  • Be aware of the scams on freelance markets. Do not lure into low-cost backlinks. Be vigilant and be interrogative to select the right person for the right job within your budget.

In-House vs. Outsourcing Backlinks

In-House vs. Outsourcing Backlinks

There are two main approaches for backlinks; in-house and outsourcing; pros and cons are mentioned below.

  • Buying backlinks for website enhancement is a strategy that prompts the consideration of in-house versus outsourcing approaches.
  • Should you buy backlinks? This question brings to light the pros and cons of managing backlinks internally or relying on external agencies.
  • Buying backlinks for SEO can be a double-edged sword; evaluating in-house and outsourcing options helps determine the optimal path.
  • Buying backlinks on Fiverr and other platforms is a potential outsourcing avenue, but caution is necessary to ensure quality and relevance.
  • Identifying the best place to buy backlinks demands research and discernment due to the diversity of options and potential risks involved.
  • In-house efforts involve full control and understanding of your backlink strategy but may require expenses for specialized personnel and SEO tools.
  • The buy backlinks Fiverr option can offer convenience, but the quality and compliance with search engine guidelines should be closely monitored.
  • Outsourcing can be cost-effective and alleviate the need to buy backlinks for website optimization tools as the agency handles the process.
  • Accessing highly valuable data from different websites and niches is a notable benefit of outsourcing, saving you time and effort.
  • Outsourcing enables a focused approach, allowing you to concentrate on your primary business objectives while the agency handles the intricate backlink work, potentially enhancing your output and efficiency.

Read | Do Backlinks Still Work In SEO 

Progress Monitoring

Once you have purchased links, it is equally important to monitor the progress of your business. The following aspect may be monitored to check the effectiveness of links.

  1. Traffic Rate; Monitor the traffic rate at your site; it should have increased after the purchase.
  2. Conversion Rate; It is not just the traffic; conversion of this traffic to the business is real link juice. If your conversion rate increases, it guarantees that you have organic traffic at your site.
  3. Domain Ranking; Keep checking your domain ranking, which should increase with the increase in backlinks. An increase in ranking means you have high visibility in SERPs.
  4. Quantity and Quality; Keep accessing the quality and quantity of your backlinks, as both are important in SEO optimization. Check the number of backlinks and the referring domains of backlinks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is buying backlinks legal?

Google does not prefer to buy backlinks, but backlinks of advertisements and sponsorships are legal. In contrast, backlinks from spammy and malicious sources are illegal as they manipulate the ranking of your platform.

What if web crawlers know that links are purchased?

If these links are purchased illegitimately, Google will de-count them and lower your rank as well.

Does the quantity of Backlinks matter?

Yes, the quantity of backlinks matters, and it increases the rank of your website.

Is outsourcing backlinks legal?

Yes, you can have both in-house setups for backlinks and hire an agency.

Are 1000 backlinks good?

The quantity of backlinks isn’t as important as their quality. Having 1000 low-quality backlinks can be detrimental to your SEO. Focus on obtaining a smaller number of high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative sources. Quality over quantity ensures better search engine rankings and user trust.

Do paid backlinks work?

Paid backlinks can have short-term benefits but often come from low-quality or spammy websites. These links are at risk of being flagged by search engines, leading to penalties. Instead of relying solely on paid links, invest in creating valuable content that naturally attracts organic, high-quality backlinks for long-term SEO success.

How do I get backlinks like an SEO pro?

To acquire backlinks like an SEO pro, focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that naturally attracts links from reputable websites. Outreach to industry influencers, collaborate on guest posts, and participate in relevant forums to showcase your expertise. Building relationships and networking within your niche can also lead to organic backlinks over time.

Is paying for backlinks illegal?

Paying for backlinks isn’t inherently illegal, but it violates search engines’ guidelines if done in a manipulative or deceptive way. Google penalizes websites that engage in buying or selling links solely for the purpose of manipulating search rankings. Focusing on earning organic backlinks through quality content and genuine relationships is best.

Can backlinks hurt SEO?

Yes, backlinks from spammy or irrelevant sources can hurt your SEO. Search engines consider the quality and relevance of backlinks. If you have a high number of poor-quality or irrelevant backlinks, it can lead to penalties and a drop in search rankings. Regularly audit your backlinks and disavow any harmful ones to maintain a healthy backlink profile.

Are Fiverr backlinks worth it?

Fiverr and similar platforms often offer cheap backlink services, but these are generally low-quality and may do more harm than good. Investing in such services can lead to penalties and a damaged online reputation. Prioritize organic backlink building through quality content and genuine relationship-building for sustainable SEO growth.

What is the average backlink cost, according to Google?

Google doesn’t provide an average backlink cost. The cost of backlinks varies widely based on factors such as the website’s authority, industry, and the quality of the link. Instead of focusing on cost, prioritize the value and relevance of backlinks to ensure they contribute positively to your SEO strategy.


If a strategy is planned smartly and carefully and backlinks are purchased only from authentic and legitimate sites, then it is very hard for the search engine to recognize it as a paid link. This is an expert job, and Dlinx Outreach is an SEO expert agency that can get you authentic and organic links to boost your business. Feel free to contact us for further information.

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Haiqa Saleem

Haiqa Saleem

Haiqa is head of content at Dlinx Outreach. She is an avid writer and bookworm and has been with Dlinx since 2019. As a true tech geek and an extraordinary content strategist, she leverages her passion for the digital sphere and love for writing to share her knowledge through insightful content. She writes with a data-driven perspective.

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