How Many Backlinks per Month Are Safe for the SEO of A Website?

How Many Backlinks per Month Are Safe

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The most common question most people ask is, “What quantity of backlinks should you generate in any particular month? This is a prevalent issue within newly launched websites or individuals who have just started to build links. It’s a reasonable thing to ask while designing a website.

Everyone understands the importance of inbound links in website development and success. Dlinxoutreach believes you are aware of this reality because you have chosen to read this post. 

It additionally requires time for Google to crawl your site pages, so preparing every month makes sense. Furthermore, the concept of a backlink growth rate has been a hot topic in search engine optimization for decades, and its theory remains significant today.

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Exploring The Dynamics Of Link Velocity And Rate Of Growth

Dynamics Of Link Velocity And Rate Of Growth

The term “link velocity” encompasses an idea of a link expansion rate or the rate at which a site acquires new links from other websites (e.g., the average number of links every month). In different contexts, link velocity is the frequency with which links build for an internet page or domain.

 It is the degree to which other websites (referred domains/pages) connect to yours. For a while now, the issue of link velocity has been claimed among the search engine optimization (SEO) community, emphasizing the truth that there is currently an unambiguous response to the question of how many external links each month is safe.

Everybody goes to Google to find the answers because it is its ranking system that searches engine optimization experts are the most concerned about. Yet, even Google will only provide a partial explanation.

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How Do Backlinks Affect Ranking?

How Do Backlinks Affect Ranking

Backlinks have a direct effect on rankings, beneficially or detrimentally, depending upon the manner in which they get created. Since backlinks are an essential SEO ranking factor, their influence can be significant irrespective of how much they are helping or hurting your site.

 Much independent research demonstrates the correlation between backlinks, website traffic, and SERP ranking. For instance, if the ranking effect is favourable, search engine traffic grows for most websites as the number of referring domains rises.

Since not all backlinks are generated the same or are not in equal proportion, having more backlinks may decrease a site’s rank. This negative rank movement tends to be triggered by Google detecting low-quality backlinks, an artificial link-building pattern, or an unexpected rush of links connected with a newly created site. 

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Take Your Research To The Next Level With Backlinks And Rankings

Backlinks And Rankings

SEO specialists such as Ahrefs have conducted empirical investigations on the relationship between backlinks, search engine traffic, and rankings position. The results of this study are summarized in the following manner:

The typical amount of “followed referring domains” (backlinks) for top-ranking sites and their traffic from organic search have a significant beneficial relationship.

Compared to the remaining portion of the pages, the three highest-ranked pages for any particular SERP typically pick up the most important number of new backlinks over time. On average, they obtain a more significant number of backlinks. Generally, the higher a site ranks in a specific SERP, the faster its backlink profile expands.

The most highly ranked website has the quickest link growth rate as time passes (it’s challenging to get caught up to the highest-ranking sites). Lastly, no apparent connection is found between the change in relative importance in a page’s backlink profile (in contrast to the SERP) and the page’s ranking position alteration.

This subsequent exploration is particularly interesting since it suggests that link growth only sometimes boosts rankings. The reason is that not all backlinks are equal (such as quality vs quantity).

So, according to these research findings, backlinks and ranking are inextricably linked. One potential explanation for the above outcomes is that top-ranking pages receive more visibility and validity (i.e., confidence) than lower-ranking ones.

This exposure induces a process of feedback through which top-ranked sites automatically gain more external links (i.e., they are linked to a greater extent frequently), increasing traffic and keeping them at the top of the SERPs.

Let’s get started with what most top-ranked websites share in common: they all involve high-quality link profiles.

We’ll keep the following section concise and straightforward because many instructional resources help you understand the elements that make a good link.

If we need to simplify the concept, a good link would be a contextual link that includes appropriate anchor text from an authoritative, reputable website linking to an inner page on your website (the simplest spot for relevant content). 

This link appears pertinent, robust, and organic. It only encompasses some forms of a high-quality link, but it covers the majority of the bases & is a reliable and efficient link to include in your profile.

If we need to go into more detail about the structure of a good link, we would emphasize the link’s most crucial ranking factors: authority, power, and relevancy. What we refer to as the divine Trinity. Make sure your links contain different levels of these features.


A backlink’s authority relates to the total domain’s authority of the web page from which it is linked. The website develops domain authority when it obtains more links of excellent quality from a wide range of referring domains (link diversity). It indicates that numerous individuals trust the domain and direct traffic to it.


A backlink’s authority degree is determined by the number of high-quality links linking to the page from which the backlink originates. It’s similar to domain authority but applies to a particular web page rather than a whole website.


Relevancy is evaluated by comparing the written material and on-page optimization (i.e., keywords, anchor text, meta description) of the website/page to the material and keyword density of the receiving site. Strive to find links from similar sites, particularly those in your expertise. It is something from which everyone is well aware. 

Diversity In Links

Lastly, the website’s accumulation of inbound links will eventually create your backlink profile, the full imprint that Google engines consider when deciding whether to reward or condemn a website. The objective should be to preserve an excellent link profile that appears genuine and includes many sorts of backlinks from various sources, including links with the Holy Trinity elements mentioned above.

This method, together with additional features, is known as link diversity. This is a fundamental clarification; therefore, we suggest checking out associated articles to understand more about link diversity.

Quantity Vs. Quality

While Google does not like revealing its programs too much, it occasionally shares specific helpful recommendations. One of the most remarkable and practical pieces of advice they’ve offered the SEO community is that “backlinks ought to appear naturally, along with the written material on your site.” Regarding ranking, Google’s comment suggests that quality is significantly more essential than quantity. 

Any behavior that seems out of context should be avoided. You will better understand the natural vs. unnatural concept as you read further. We have discussed every minor detail that will prove fruitful for you. Considering that the number of links correlates with linking velocity, Google’s statement indicates that the degree of quality is of greater significance than the rate of link acquisition.

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Is Link Velocity Important? Uncovering The Truth 

Is Link Velocity Important

Consequently, what does Google suspect regarding the influence of link velocity on rankings? There is specific evidence that Google is paying attention to unusual and inappropriate growth patterns rather than link velocity (it all depends on the circumstances). Link velocity is a term the SEO community uses to make link building appear quantifiable while raising concerns about gaining too many backlinks each month.

From the perspective of Google’s algorithms, link velocity does not possess a clear definition. On the other hand, a spiky growth rate or large, rapid spikes in backlinks will raise red flags and should be investigated for any unethical practices that may be creating such unexpected results. 

Your rating may decline if any illegal activities have been carried out and discovered by search engine algorithms. 

Further, proof from a search engine patent demonstrates that an elevated link growth rate may benefit a website’s ranking score more than a lower growth rate. This contradicts the assumption that high link velocity is undesirable.

The main conclusion to draw from the above confusion is that link velocity may be beneficial or harmful, determined by the context. The development pattern of a website over time is a stronger sign of naturalness, depending on the circumstances underlying the reason for the site’s link growth. 

Extreme or repulsive-looking link growth indicates that the website’s topicality (i.e., originality of material) and relevancy have grown. In other words, the website’s content has gone viral due to hot topics. This will result in more links and organic traffic.

Google is fair, and its search engine algorithms will reward your site if it unexpectedly receives a wave of new inbound links for the above reasons, even if this appears completely abnormal under normal conditions.

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Unlocking The Potential Of Quantity: Should You Avoid It?

Unlocking The Potential Of Quantity

Certainly not. The overall number of backlinks you finally receive is still crucial for rating. You should keep the effective site from expanding and gaining additional backlinks as time passes. If your website obtains a considerable rise in the number of new links every month or over a period of months, it will keep performing well in the SERPs. Google predicts that backlinks will correspond with significant-excellent materials (since good material is naturally linked more consistently).

Backlinks and materials of high quality will assist you in enhancing quantity while minimizing red flags. Sustaining good quality over time is also healthier than growing link acquisition without consideration for recommended practices. In addition, older and more established domains with already existing backlinks can effectively gain more links than a brand-new site with few links. This is just one aspect of ranking’s complexity. 

Older domains may have more credibility, confidence, and organic traffic than younger ones. Furthermore, relative growth is a more meaningful indicator compared to absolute growth. A massive website with thousands of current connections may get 100 new inbound links in a month, but this would only account for a modest fraction of total link profile growth.

On the other hand, if a newly launched website with only ten links decides to add twenty links in its first month of execution, it represents a 200% increase in growth rate. This manifests a pointed and perhaps inappropriate growth pattern that you should only employ occasionally when building links. If those 20 new connections do not look like good quality backlinks or were not gained naturally (e.g., malicious auto-generated links), your ranking ability will suffer.

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Quality Vs. Quantity: What You Need To Know?

Quality Vs Quantity

Remember that having more links will not always benefit you in the long run if quality backlinks do not accompany them—several examples of Dlinx Outreach-analyzed sites with fewer backlinks surpass those with more. Safe link-building methods will protect you from monetary penalties and guarantee that your link profiles stay natural. 

Another way to solve the quality versus quantity question is to look at your rivals’ actions. An important aspect of SEO is the analysis of competitor websites, which is effective in various circumstances. Please look up the most prominent ten opponents in your chosen field and observe the number of links they’ve accumulated over time and where they are coming from.

This data is an excellent starting point for your link-building plan, particularly during the initial few months of site operation. 

It is considered a good option if you have a firm grasp on the significance of quality over quantity. With this foundation of understanding, you may begin developing your site. Let’s revisit the concept of link velocity and see how quickly you may start earning backlinks in a given month.

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Can You Provide Backlinks Quickly To A Website?

Can You Provide Backlinks Quickly To A Website

You recognize that quantity is less vital than quality. So what matters is how quickly you can create high-quality links in a specific period of time, say one month.

Nobody understands what a site’s “optimal growth rate” should be, so don’t waste time trying to find it out. If you’re consistently developing high-quality links, you shouldn’t be concerned about link velocity (Google will ultimately recognize and honor you for it).

The ideal growth rate of a website is determined by how old the site is, the number of current links it includes, and how organic its link profile is (along with additional aspects that are outside the scope of this article).

Understand that Google is acutely aware of when offensive, unnatural link-building tactics have been employed (for example, when a site gains 1,000 new backlinks in a single day). As a probable instance of unethical practices, Google notices big surges in link acquisition in a very short period of time that isn’t explained by subject trends, becoming viral, or compiling/ranking. 

In most circumstances, a natural development pattern (for traffic or referring domains/pages) appears as a constantly expanding arc over time. Avoid unnaturally shaped spikes. You may validate this by looking at the top-performing websites for a specific term. In numerous situations, you will see this form growing.

Getting Started With Gradual Development: Achieving Your Goals 

Getting Started With Gradual Development

You may use this easy approach to become more skilled and establish a new website. At the beginning of the month, it begins slowly with pillow connections. Create an online identity through social media, profile creation, forums, etc. 

Always use appropriate, authentic, and natural anchors when connecting back to one of your internal pages. A few guest blogs or speciality adjustments are also acceptable in the first month. We’re not going to offer you exact figures. Instead, we recommend that you do a rival site analysis. Try to imitate the growth trends of popular websites. You’ll see a pattern of progressive expansion over time.

Natural-looking growth might appear like the following:

  • Preceding month: 10 backlinks to your homepage (given that this is a new site with little content).
  • second month: Twelve backlinks to your website’s main page 
  • Third month: fifteen backlinks, primarily to your homepage.
  • Fourth month: twenty backlinks, approximately 3/4 pointing to your main page.
  • Fifth month: twenty backlinks, half of which go to internal sites.
  • Sixth month: provides you with thirty backlinks 

It is not reinventing the wheel and wasn’t supposed to be. Building links is a more complex technology with physical formulas. Remember that these monthly growth rates may appear quite high because the site is new, and you should actively seek new links. After a while, the speed of acquisition will most certainly slow.

The reliable and systematic strategy to expand is to gradually raise the number of quality links you have each month, but only a little compared to the overall number of backlinks you now have. Begin slowly and gradually increase your workload. Maintain link variety at all times. If you want to be truly quantitative about strategy formulation, you may do ad hoc tests or competition analyses.

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You’ve received your answer, haven’t you?

A safe and sensible link development method will automatically grow quality backlinks over time. For example, if you write high-quality material, the links will follow. You desire your site’s natural-looking monthly development pattern, such as a moderately rising slope. Avoid artificial traffic surges (unless you figure out how to generate content from trees).

In SEO, this is the straightforward art of link building, which involves less scientific rigour and quantitative research and primarily concerns what appears natural. Also, remember that a website with 5,000 referring domains can safely obtain many more new links than a website with 50 referring domains. It ultimately comes down to relative growth.

According to our observations, a brand-new website with fewer backlinks is more likely to be penalized for rapidly developing its inbound connections. However, this drop in ranking is usually temporary and easily remedied by a skilled SEO.

Google will not provide you with the answers to their calculations, so be clever, cautious, and use safe tactics. The only true way to gauge your success is by regularly checking your site and analyzing how you compare to your competition.

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About Dlinx Outreach

About Dlinx Outreach

Dlinx Outreach prioritizes collecting high-quality backlinks from reputable domains. Because it refrains from participating in spammy mass outreach campaigns, the company employs the “quality over quantity” strategy. Instead, the Dlinx Outreach staff approaches and builds relationships with business websites before placing your hyperlinks on their pages.

For growing your backlink profile, Dlinx Outreach has designed a five-step procedure:

  1. They compile a collection of corporate blogs from their affiliate network associated with your field of interest and have appropriate material for your links.
  2. They will then hand over the list to you for assessment and approval.
  3. When the Dlinx Outreach group receives your approval, they contact the partner company and place your backlink on their website.
  4. The group of experts sends you a link-building report twice a month for your final endorsement and input on the progress.
  5.  Ultimately, they continuously track the current backlinks to ensure no broken links.

 If you have any queries regarding our service, feel free to contact us. Our customer sales representative will answer your question 24/7. We will never disappoint you. For us, customer satisfaction is our first priority. 

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